Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well i finally did it, I told everyone that I no longer want to be a doctor. I have known for a while but I didn't want to let everyone down so I kept on. I finally realized that if the only reason i was still going to be a doctor was because it's what people expected of me, was the wrong reason. I don't really know what I am going to do. I am sending in resumes right now for labs, health department jobs. If you know of any other jobs that I can use a Biology degree with please pass them my way! I am pretty open to anything, I'm just going with the flow and see where I end up at. God has a plan and I am going to follow it and try not to question it.

This means, that mark and I can start thinking about a date for a wedding, and all the planning that comes with it. I can't wait!! I finally feel like my life is on a track that is heading where i want to be, married and living with my husband. I am no longer going to be stuck at a standstill watching all my friends by houses and get married, i am going to be one of them. I am going to be a grown-up!

1 comment:

EEMiles said...

I'm very excited for you. It is awesome to have the weight of a big decision off of your shoulders. Good luck on the job hunt and I'm excited to hear about wedding plans!!! :D